About Me

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I'm an aspiring writer, and I am who I am. Loud, annoying, thoughtful, absentminded, well-intentioned, and struggling for my place in the world. I'm a believer, a thinker, a dreamer, and an aspiring writer. If you like it, wonderful. If you don't, I don't care. God makes men what they are. Who am I to argue with God?

Friday, January 8, 2010


I am so tired of people saying that there is no truth. I am so tired of people saying that there is no right and wrong and that everything is relative. For all their nihilistic rationalistic arguments, they cannot deny that even the most reprobate man knows profoundly when he's been wronged, and I don't care what the psychologists or serial killers say, everyone has a conscience. Men quiet it with rationalizations of their actions or they lie to themselves, saying that right and wrong don't matter. But everyone knows the feeling they get when they consciously wrong someone. Men have a knowledge of good, whether that knowledge can be articulated or not.

But what about differences of opinion? What about when interests conflict? That's when things get fuzzy. But all of these things stem from some abstract concept of justice that we all somehow understand on a subliminal level. Furthermore, we all have at least some vague idea about what is beautiful and what is good. Relativism is bullshit. So is absolutism. It's not one or the other. Certain things are relative. But certain things are absolute.

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