About Me

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I'm an aspiring writer, and I am who I am. Loud, annoying, thoughtful, absentminded, well-intentioned, and struggling for my place in the world. I'm a believer, a thinker, a dreamer, and an aspiring writer. If you like it, wonderful. If you don't, I don't care. God makes men what they are. Who am I to argue with God?

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

so many things to say

But I don't have the words for them. God has taken care of me in ways I had no idea he would. This semester will definitely be exciting, make no mistake. Balancing all of these classes (and a teacher that needs meds) along with everything else I have going on will make or break me. I got the part in the play I didn't dream of playing and a date with a girl I almost gave up hope on. I don't even have the free time to be writing this, but I need to remember today. Because when things get rough, and I know they will, I need to remember that today everything fell into place. Today calculus made sense. Today I sang on key. Today I knew what to do for my lines. Today I worked up the nerve to do what I wanted to a long time ago. Today I kissed a girl with dancing eyes. Today I'm on the eagle's wings and I can touch the sun, even if the storm and fall come tomorrow.

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