About Me

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I'm an aspiring writer, and I am who I am. Loud, annoying, thoughtful, absentminded, well-intentioned, and struggling for my place in the world. I'm a believer, a thinker, a dreamer, and an aspiring writer. If you like it, wonderful. If you don't, I don't care. God makes men what they are. Who am I to argue with God?

Thursday, September 23, 2010


Why do stupid, trivial, easily avoidable things have to ruin good days? I wake up to a pancakes and bacon breakfast this morning, thinking, This is great! No class, great food, and lovely company. Now I can get caught up on all that crap I need to do.. But wait, turns out I did have class, I missed talking about my favorite character in the Old Testament for great books, I lost my phone, I have to miss a dinner date I've been planning for weeks, and by spending my time straightening this out I have accomplished nothing I intended on this day off. I need to get over this hump and get my butt in gear, or I'll blow this whole semester.

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