About Me

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I'm an aspiring writer, and I am who I am. Loud, annoying, thoughtful, absentminded, well-intentioned, and struggling for my place in the world. I'm a believer, a thinker, a dreamer, and an aspiring writer. If you like it, wonderful. If you don't, I don't care. God makes men what they are. Who am I to argue with God?

Friday, March 11, 2011

I'm really glad I'm the oldest. I used to hate it. I hated the responsibility, hated baby sitting, hated everything always being my fault. I got used to it, and even grew to like it. Now I thank God I'm not one of the younger ones. After seeing the people they are becoming, I think if I were younger I would be afraid of living in their shadows.

Ellen's queen of everything: the prom, jr. miss, the golf team, the dance studio, the stage. Neil's a two sport letterman as a sophomore, and probably a better athlete than I'll ever be. Steve may be more gifted than all of us put together. I'm glad I'm not the youngest. I don't have to worry about proving myself, or trying to surpass them. Instead, I can just watch them and be proud.

It's really weird though, watching them. Neil can outrun me now, and he's almost as tall as I am. Steve is wittier and more athletic than most people I know in college. Ellen's almost in college. I'm twenty years old. This is nuts.

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